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Monday, March 10, 2014

Turning cleaning out the fridge into Spaghetti Sauce!

Today I wanted to clean out my refidgerator. There were some random vegetables that I did not want to go to waste. I also had leffover Turkey Meatballs and spaghetti but not enough sauce. So! I decided to make my own sauce.

I chopped up some onion, carrots and zucchini. I was careful to chop them as small as I could. It doesn't make a huge difference because I planned to puree them later but smaller chunks would make it easier.
I looked in my pantry to see what I might have for the sauce base. A friend had given me some tomato juice that her mother in law canned and I had one little jar of canned tomatoes that I put up last summer. Awesome! I was ready to go.
This is after the sauce had cooked down for about 45 minutes.


  1. I love your blog! You are so creative and thoughtful. I plan to use many of your great recipes and ideas. I know my children will be delighted when we begin using your recipes and following your fun ideas. My daughters, Mary,9 and Bridgette 8 are excited to get into the kitchen and bake. I have recently taught them how to make pancakes and chocolate chip cookies from scratch. Over the weekend they baked up a whole batch of cinnamon pancakes all on their own. I did not step into the kitchen once. They both felt so excited and content that together they proclaimed the pancakes to be " the very best we have ever had in our whole life!" Oh, the joy of baking wonderful food and then enjoying it with your loves. I am so glad my girls are experiencing this at such a young age. The beautiful blog you have created in your daughter's name is such a touching gift to her. Lily has an amazing mother!

    1. Thank you so much for the vote of confidence! I never baked or even cooked much until I had a family. :) I have MINIMAL skills! I figure there are other Mothers out there like me. Moms that just want to make healthy or fun food for their family. Check back often as I'm always trying something!! :)
